I am asked a few questions on a daily basis so please allow me to answer them preemptively:

Will you ship mosaic to my country/province/state?

Yes, My work currently resides in collections around the world and is easily shipped.

Will you make me a mosaic on custom order/commission?

Yes, I can offer my services for small personalized commission work at this time. However requests for custom projects for museums, institutions and other larger installations will be entertained. I have particular interest in projects that are related to human and animal welfare as well as environmental stewardship.

What material do you mosaic with and how can I get it?

I get the 'magic material' questions several times a day from well meaning students and artists, but there is no simple answer. I use a rich regime of materials to create my mixed media mosaics. My practice is not static but evolves continuously with an obsessive eye to refinement; how I made mosaic last year is not how I make them now. This is not to leave the impression that I have journeyed afar and found the 'perfect material' that morphs itself and takes on perfect detail; the truth is quite the opposite. Much of my effort has been to find ways to use nontoxic materials, many of which are less user friendly. All that said, if you are asking me what material you should use this is my answer; A skilled technical artist can make almost anything from almost anything, so the question is really what 'thing' do you want to spend time with? Taking classes, apprenticing and learning from free internet tutorials are all great ways to accumulate your foundation of knowledge to build a studio practice, however after that the most advisable thing to do is simple: play. Use small amounts of many different materials and by trial and error pick what you find the most natural affinity for and talent with. Your best work will come from an intimate relationship with that material and the thousands of hours it takes to become fluent in any skill. To cut closer to the heart of this question, if you are drawn specifically to the look of high detail mosaics most commercial brands of glass and Non-flammable and non-toxic glue are a good place to start and can produce professional quality results. Now go play.

How do you make little details?

Very Carefully!